June 21st at the Stonehenge Free Festival

1. A Little Man And A House
2. Hope Day
3. Cameras
4. Is This The Life?
5. It's A Lovely Day
6. The New General
7. All His Geese Are Swans
8. Gina Lollabrigida
9. The Bitter Pill
10. R.E.S.
11. Nurses Whispering Verses
12. Visiting Hours
13. Hymn
14. Is This The Life?

Notes: Tunes from all over the place. Known for The Bitter Pill and The New General.
Pretty distorted, not the greatest recording.C+

EKRs: A Little Man And A House, Hope Day, The New General, All His Geese Are Swans, The Bitter Pill, R.E.S., Hymn

September 15 at the Clarendon Hotel, Hammersmith

1. The Icing On The World
2. To Go Off And Things
3. In A City Lining
4. Tarred And Feathered
5. Big Ship
6. I'm Eating In Bed
7. Is This The Life?
8. The Whole World Window

Notes: The first recorded performance of a lot of ALMAAHATWWW and Big Ship tunes.
One of my favorite gigs of all time, sadly not the greatest recording. Lots of crowd singing, making it even better. B-/B

EKRs: All except To Go Off And Things and Is This The Life?

Lots and lots of A Little Man tunes.
